Monthly Archives: October 2020

The Season for Reflection is Coming to an End

October 16th, 2020 @ 3:45am – A Word from the Lord

I was having disrupted sleep when I began to recognize that the Lord was asking me questions. I got up and wrote down what He was asking and then what He chose to share.

Lord, what are the questions you have for your people?

“Who will you serve, me or man?”

“Are you ready for the things coming upon the earth?”

“Do you know where your peace comes from?”

“Are you able to enter the Sabbath rest promised to you?”

“Who among you is righteous, having made themselves ready?”

Lord, my God, my keeper, my ever present help in times of trouble, what do you want to say this morning?

“Reflection. This season for reflection is coming to an end. This season of brief reprieve is ending. Have you reflected upon the depravity of your nature apart from me? Do you realize the depth of depravity that exists in various forms all around you, across the earth, but also within you… with so many of those who call themselves mine?

Think NOT that my redemptive judgment is not upon you, for it surely comes. My judgement will come against all those living from depravity of mind, of body, and of spirit. You ask, what does this judgment look like?

It looks like the winds blowing and the waves roaring and the earth shaking.

It looks like banks closing and money failing.

It looks like fires burning and tornadoes crossing and criss-crossing the earth.

It looks like financial markets faultering and even crashing into the abyss, without hope of recovery.

It looks like peace being taken from the earth, for I am peace alone. Peace, true peace, is found only in the blood of the lamb. (Revelation 6)

It looks like food shortages and famine. It looks like lines of people standing for hours in the hopes of a meal coming to them from someone else who prepared.


The shaking has come to the earth and to these people. The shaking WILL shake those who are truly mine free from all the entrappings of this fallen world under Satan.

When the earth shakes, and the markets shake, and the dollar falls… let go. Just let go and trust me to catch you. I will catch you and I will hold you and I will cover you.

The shakings will start and they will stop, only to start again. The shakings will not stop until my purposes have been accomplished. What are my purposes, you ask?

My purposes are this: To set my children free from this broken world – to set my children free to be who I made them to be for such a time as this. For my children to follow me where I lead them, supernaturally besides streams of living waters for My Name sake.”